- opcache.consistency_checks: Enables or disables consistency checks for cached files.
- opcache.dups_fix: Fixes opcode duplication in a specific scenario.
- opcache.enable: Enables or disables the OPcache extension.
- opcache.enable_cli: Enables or disables OPcache when running PHP from the command line (CLI).
- opcache.enable_file_override: Enables or disables overriding files from the cache.
- opcache.error_log: Specifies the file path for OPcache error logs.
- opcache.file_cache: Enables file-level caching.
- opcache.file_cache_consistency_checks: Enables or disables consistency checks for the file cache.
- opcache.file_cache_only: Enables file cache mode, disabling opcode cache.
- opcache.file_update_protection: Prevents cache updates if files are changed too frequently.
- opcache.force_restart_timeout: Maximum time, in seconds, to wait for restarts in case of errors.
- opcache.huge_code_pages: Enables or disables using huge pages for code memory.
- opcache.interned_strings_buffer: Allocates memory for storing interned strings.
- opcache.jit: Enables or disables JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation.
- opcache.jit_bisect_limit: Limits the number of bisection steps during JIT compilation.
- opcache.jit_blacklist_root_trace: Blacklists specific root traces from JIT compilation.
- opcache.jit_blacklist_side_trace: Blacklists specific side traces from JIT compilation.
- opcache.jit_buffer_size: Sets the size of the JIT buffer.
- opcache.jit_debug: Enables JIT compilation debugging.
- opcache.jit_hot_func: List of hot functions for JIT optimization.
- opcache.jit_hot_loop: List of hot loops for JIT optimization.
- opcache.jit_hot_return: List of hot returns for JIT optimization.
- opcache.jit_hot_side_exit: List of hot side exits for JIT optimization.
- opcache.jit_max_exit_counters: Maximum exit counters for JIT optimization.
- opcache.jit_max_loop_unrolls: Maximum loop unrolls for JIT optimization.
- opcache.jit_max_polymorphic_calls: Maximum polymorphic calls for JIT optimization.
- opcache.jit_max_recursive_calls: Maximum recursive calls for JIT optimization.
- opcache.jit_max_recursive_returns: Maximum recursive returns for JIT optimization.
- opcache.jit_max_root_traces: Maximum root traces for JIT optimization.
- opcache.jit_max_side_traces: Maximum side traces for JIT optimization.
- opcache.jit_prof_threshold: Profiling threshold for JIT optimization.
- opcache.lockfile_path: Specifies a custom lock file path.
- opcache.log_verbosity_level: Sets the level of detail for logging.
- opcache.max_accelerated_files: Sets the maximum number of scripts (keys) that can be stored in the OPcache hash table.
- opcache.max_file_size: Sets the maximum size of files that will be cached.
- opcache.max_wasted_percentage: Sets the maximum percentage of wasted memory allowed before a restart.
- opcache.memory_consumption: Sets the amount of memory allocated to OPcache for storing cached bytecode.
- opcache.opt_debug_level: Sets the level of optimization debug output.
- opcache.optimization_level: Controls the level of optimization for cached code.
- opcache.preferred_memory_model: Sets the preferred memory model for JIT optimization.
- opcache.preload: Specifies a file to preload before executing scripts.
- opcache.preload_user: Specifies the user for preloading scripts.
- opcache.protect_memory: Prevents memory leaks due to scripts directly modifying opcode memory.
- opcache.record_warnings: Records warnings for suboptimal conditions.
- opcache.restrict_api: Restricts access to OPcache's API functions.
- opcache.revalidate_freq: Determines how often OPcache checks file timestamps for changes.
- opcache.revalidate_path: Enables or disables file search in include_path optimization.
- opcache.save_comments: Determines whether to save comments during optimization.
- opcache.use_cwd: Appends the current working directory to script keys.
- opcache.validate_permission: Validates file permissions against user IDs.
- opcache.validate_root: Validates the root path for file cache.
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